We are really excited to show the first images of the new VX20W quick action wagon vise. I wish this new vise was not hidden under the bench because I think it looks pretty cool! We have made a lot of refinements and improvements with this new vise. The housing is very small and is totally enclosed to keep the sawdust out.
The four bolts protruding from the side of the housing are used to mount the wooden dog block to the housing. The dog block will then extend up to bench top height through a slot.
This vise will be very easy to install. The rear of the shaft will ride in a delrin bearing mounted to the bottom of the bench top with a sturdy bracket.
The front of the shaft is supported with a Delrin bearing mounted to the outside of the bench end cap. The shaft protrudes through this bearing and your choice of metal hand wheel or wooden hub and handle will ride against this bearing.
The thrust load of the vise is transmitted into the end cap through a heavy duty thrust collar and large bronze thrust bearing. The thrust bearing is oil impregnated to provide low friction operation.
I hope to have an installation video of the VX20W completed soon so you can see how it will all go together and operate.